The truth about working in a men’s prison... as a female psychologist
5 years, 10 months ago

The truth about working in a men’s prison... as a female psychologist

The Independent  

The prisoner sitting in front of me looks me in the eye. One of the prisoners told me: “I am always thinking about you, miss, I have naughty dreams about you.” What I was worried about before starting work in the prison was being harassed violently but that has not been the case at all. I want to take you out, I’ve got lots of money – let me spend it on you.” I was on my own with another prisoner and he said: “Are you married, miss?” He’s from an Irish Traveller background and my age. He went on: “You should be married by your age and having lots of kids.” I replied: “No I’m way too young.” He said: “Oh, miss, will you marry me? I really want to marry you.” “I’m not getting married for a long time,” I tell him.

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