Tamil Nadu government orders probe against Anna University Vice-Chancellor
India TodayOver alleged irregularities and corruption, the Tamil Nadu government has ordered an inquiry against the Vice-Chancellor of Anna University, M K Surappa. The Higher Education Department constituted the inquiry committee under retired High Court judge Justice P Kalaiyarasan to go into the allegations since the department said prima facie they were serious. Govt ordered probe based on complaints of corruption in the university The state government said that it has ordered the probe based on complaints of rampant corruption in the university, financial irregularities, and graft charges against Surappa, among others. Moreover, he said he was ready to answer anyone on the charges, adding: “My accounts are open.” Read: Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal wishes a happy children's day to everyone Read: IIM Bangalore retains top spot among best B-schools in Central Asia in the Eduniversal Rankings 2020