Stranded overseas by the pandemic, Michelle has made it home to a very different Christmas
3 years, 3 months ago

Stranded overseas by the pandemic, Michelle has made it home to a very different Christmas


Michelle Doherty was one of the thousands of Australians stranded overseas by the pandemic, isolated by closed borders, limited quarantine places and unaffordable flights. "It's kind of hard seeing some of my close family members in a really different way now." He said Queensland should shift its focus towards counting "hospitalisations and intensive care admissions" among vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Stranded overseas: 'We feel less Australian’ Photo shows Composite of three young women, in separate locations looking sad, wiping tears These Aussies reconsider what citizenship actually means when celebrities are allowed to fly in and they can't. Just happy for 'the option' Michelle Doherty said she would be back in Sydney for Christmas Day — her first Australian Christmas since 2016.

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