Tesco Bank said my car hit a taxi and doubled my premium... even though it was parked securely at the airport: SALLY SORTS IT
8 months ago

Tesco Bank said my car hit a taxi and doubled my premium... even though it was parked securely at the airport: SALLY SORTS IT

Daily Mail  

Tesco Bank has more than doubled my car insurance renewal premium because it says there is a claim outstanding on the policy that has damaged my no claims bonus. We offered £40 compensation for the inconvenience.’ My accountant submitted my self-assessment tax return for the 2022-2023 tax year, which included £157.50 class 2 voluntary National Insurance contributions, which I needed to pay to receive the maximum state pension. But instead, to my horror, I received a letter dated February 6, accusing me of non-payment of my income tax and informing me that it is now too late to increase my state pension by making class 2 NI contributions. Your accountant got on the case again and found out the whole sum — both your income tax bill and the £157.50 NI contribution — had been credited to your income tax account.

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