Russia, China veto UN resolution calling for ceasefire in Syria
Al JazeeraRussia’s 13th veto came as draft didn’t include exemption for military attacks against UN-blacklisted fighter groups. The resolution said, “All parties shall immediately cease hostilities to avoid a further deterioration of the already catastrophic humanitarian situation in Idlib Governorate, beginning at noon Damascus time on 21 September 2019.” Russia vetoed the call for action because it did not include an exemption for military offensives against the UN-blacklisted fighter groups. “As co-penholders of the humanitarian file for Syria in the Council, we would like to call upon all member states to vote in favor of our resolution,” the three drafters said. 190904094645974 “Our draft resolution the Council will vote on today is a purely humanitarian one,” they said, noting that half a million people have been displaced since the Idlib offensive began four months ago. The ceasefire was yet another attempt to avert a full-blown Syrian offensive, which the UN has said would result in one of the worst humanitarian “nightmares” in Syria’s eight-year conflict.