Australia's inflation figures are clear, but when it comes to official wages data, we might be flying blind
2 years, 7 months ago

Australia's inflation figures are clear, but when it comes to official wages data, we might be flying blind


There's a bizarre lack of clarity over a particularly crucial economic data point that affects every Australian. Forecasting a peak in inflation to 7.75 per cent by the year's end, the Treasurer says Australians must brace to take some "tough medicine" if the nation is to escape a recession. That is, NAB's analysis has found wage growth increased 2.5 per cent in the three months to June — up 0.1 per cent on the ABS's measure for the March quarter. The story to this point has been that while wage growth is increasing, it's not increasing at a fast-enough pace — especially when compared to the pace of price rises in the store. The answer is that Treasury's view on wage growth is shaped by what the Reserve Bank publishes.

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