GO-111: Ensure sustainable and eco-friendly development for new areas, say architects
2 years, 6 months ago

GO-111: Ensure sustainable and eco-friendly development for new areas, say architects

Deccan Chronicle  

Hyderabad: With development expected to be fast-paced in several newly developing areas in the city following revocation of GO-111, architects say the government should ensure sustainable and eco-friendly development. Architect P Venugopal, said areas like those that came under GO-111 should be developed as ecologically sensitive areas with a local master plan and a larger vision by involving in the endeavour environmentalists, landscape architects, ecologists and biodiversity specialists. "In such areas, people could be encouraged to go for rainwater harvesting, avoid blocking the existing natural rainwater channels, do less constructions and grow more trees. An arcade could have been built on both sides of the road so that people could walk, and it would have given a nice character to the street,” Narayan said.

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