Soumya Swaminathan to unveil research initiatives on Vembanad project
2 months ago

Soumya Swaminathan to unveil research initiatives on Vembanad project

The Hindu  

Former World Health Organisation Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan will inaugurate water clinics and other facilities at the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute here on Friday. She will unveil various initiatives undertaken as part of a major research project on water quality assessment of the Vembanad lake and waterborne infectious diseases at a function to be held at the Platinum Jubilee Hall at 10 a.m. They include water clinics, integrative database for water-associated diseases among coastal communities, the CLEANSE App, and the AQUADIP App—an interactive application platform that connects citizen scientists with experts for monitoring water quality, dissemination of results, and advisories on remedial measures. The research project Rehabilitation of Vibrio infested waters of Vembanad Lake: Pollution and Solution is a joint initiative by CMFRI, National Institute of Oceanography, and the Nansen Environmental Research Centre-India.

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