Phishing involved in every second organization hit by a cyber attack
Live MintGlobally, IT managers are inundated with cyber attacks and are struggling to keep up due to a lack of security expertise, budget and up to date technology according to a new survey The Impossible Puzzle of Cybersecurity from Sophos. 54 percent of those who fell victim to a cyber attack were hit by a phishing email, 39 percent by ransomware and 48 percent said they suffered a data breach. Software exploits were the initial point of entry in 41 percent of incidents, but they were also used in some fashion in 35 percent of all attacks, demonstrating how exploits are used at multiple stages of the attack chain," said Sunil Sharma, managing director sales, Sophos India & SAARC. Based on the responses, it’s not surprising that 50 percent of IT managers consider software exploits, unpatched vulnerabilities and/or zero day threats as top security risks, while 43 percent consider phishing as a security risk. With cyber threats coming from supply chain attacks, phishing emails, software exploits, vulnerabilities, insecure wireless networks, and much more, businesses need a security solution that helps them eliminate gaps and better identify previously unseen threats.