Is that soy in your Whopper? Plant-based meat sales rising
Associated PressFrom soy-based sliders to ground lentil sausages, plant-based meat substitutes are surging in popularity. “If we can provide the things they value and make it from plants, not only will meat lovers be willing to buy it, but they will prefer to buy it.” Los Angeles-based Beyond Meat is sold alongside regular meat in the grocery store, not shuffled into freezers or natural food aisles like traditional veggie burgers. Burger King’s research indicated that 9% of people buying plant-based meat are vegetarian, but 90% are meat eaters looking for healthier options. “There’s a lot of people who want to eat a burger every day but don’t necessarily want to eat meat every day,” Finazzo said. Over last five years, there’s been a 25% increase in the number of meat alternative products launched, like pinto bean-based “bacon bits” from Cool Foods.