Coronavirus: The psychology of panic buying
4 years, 10 months ago

Coronavirus: The psychology of panic buying


Coronavirus: The psychology of panic buying Getty Images Amid the coronavirus outbreak, people are flocking to supermarkets worldwide – but are they simply preparing, or irrationally panicking? “Under circumstances like these, people feel the need to do something that’s proportionate to what they perceive is the level of the crisis,” Taylor says. “ getting excessive play in social media and news media, and that amplifies the sense of scarcity, which worsens the panic buying,” Taylor says. All we can infer from the purchasing is the timing, so it could look panicky even if it's well thought through.” In order to face the threatening unknown, people draw on what they already know about seemingly similar threats – Helene Joffe In a 2010 study, Owen Kulemeka of the University of Illinois wrote that panic and antisocial behaviours don’t characterise pre-disaster shopping. Because when individual panic buying plays out collectively, that’s what can lead to price gouging, or low supplies for high-risk individuals who need things like face masks more than the general population does.

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