Glenorchy RSL may face action over ad linking pokies ban to Anzac Day celebrations
7 years, 1 month ago

Glenorchy RSL may face action over ad linking pokies ban to Anzac Day celebrations


Tasmania's RSL headquarters is to consider taking action against its Glenorchy branch over a controversial video that linked a ban on poker machines to the cancellation of Anzac Day celebrations. Glenorchy RSL President John Chivers defended his comments on Anzac Day despite removing the controversial video. "We stand by our comments that should we lose gaming machines our club will close and no longer be a gathering place for ANZAC Day celebrations in Glenorchy," Mr Chivers said. When asked if the RSL's Anzac Day campaign went too far, Mr Rockliff said "that's a matter for the individuals themselves".

History of this topic

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WA RSL backs down over ban on Aboriginal flag after public backlash
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