Inquiry calls for nationally consistent rules and better resources for family violence orders
ABCProtection from family violence is a postcode lottery, and children should be allowed to apply for their own family violence orders, a parliamentary inquiry into the system has found. The parliamentary inquiry into family violence orders said the Australian government must act swiftly to coordinate rules for protection orders across states and territories, finding wide variation across the country is a barrier to justice for victim survivors. The inquiry also found community legal centres supporting victim survivors to escape violence are overwhelmed and having to turn people away, with staff calling on the federal government to urgently address the problem. Family violence legal system under strain during cost of living crisis Arlia Flemming, CEO of Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Center and chair of Community Legal Centers Australia, said the rules around children and FVOs vary widely around Australia. New guide released for preventing child abuse Photo shows Child holding hand Leading family violence advocates call for children to be directly involved in designing policy to prevent child abuse.
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