Issues raised by theater group see audience get in on the act
China DailyThe crew of Falltur takes a curtain call after a recent performance in Beijing. It's a production of Galli Theater, an organization founded by German actor-playwright Johannes Galli that offers training in theater education and drama therapy. A recent performance of Galli Theater's production Falltur in Beijing ended with a rare scene — some audience members took to the stage to give a group hug to the protagonist, while others were reduced to tears. While she manages to face up to the hidden sides of her own personality and various temptations from the outer world, she fails to pass the last test, and the clown says, only when others are willing to stand by her side, can she have a second chance to live her life to the full. The play is a piece of prevention theater by Galli Theater, an organization founded by German actor and playwright Johannes Galli that offers training in theater education and drama therapy.