India excels in AI, but lags in adopting basic broadband and internet
New Indian ExpressAs Gartner’s Hype Cycle would suggest, many of these technologies are in the innovation trigger phase and are likely to be adopted only by innovators in the country. India’s progress in digital payment India has made remarkable progress on the use of digital payments, especially in the public sector. Data from the World Bank’s Findex Survey shows that digitally delivered government transfers or pensions increased to 10% of the population, amounting to about 100 million people in 2021. The proportion of public sector wage recipients receiving payments directly into their accounts also increased from 63% in 2017 to 73% in 2021, the highest increase among G20 countries during this period, albeit for a relatively low base. While the US ranks first with a score of 65 and China a close second with 62, India is a distant third with a score of 39, followed by the UK, Germany, and South Korea.