Help! My Husband’s Dog Will Die Soon. I’m Not Going to Have the Appropriate Reaction.
SlateDear Prudence is Slate’s advice column. Dear Prudence, * Your letter signoff Your pronouns Your email Submit Dear Prudence, My brother just moved back home with his girlfriend, “Stella.” I can’t stand Stella. One of our mutual friends, “Lacey,” was discussing Clara’s dress with her since she knew it was handmade. Lacey asked how she found the perfectly matching thread, and Clara’s answer was something along the lines of, “I had to hike the Appalachians to find a specific berry that only grows at a certain altitude, mash it up, boil it, dye the thread, and then re-dye it a few times, and then voila!” There was much ooh-ing and ahh-ing from the group they were in, and Lacey said that it was really impressive. —In Stitches Dear Stitches, I mean, look, I consider myself fairly cosmopolitan, but I don’t really think Clara’s joke is funny either.
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