Silence, please!
New Indian ExpressKOCHI: Horn Ok Please’ – it’s a phrase we have grown up seeing on the rear of vehicles, signalling drivers to honk while overtaking. The constant blare of horns, especially in heavy traffic, often leaves one wondering whether it’s necessary or simply a reflection of stress and chaos, where motorists appear to be in a race against time. Recently, Kochi Mayor M Anilkumar mooted the idea of designating the stretch between Mangalavanam and Durbar Hall as a ‘silent zone’ in coordination with the MVD, police, PWD and Cochin Smart Mission Limited. If that’s the case, then naturally the place would become a silent zone,” Anilkumar tells TNIE. We hope installing boards that say ‘silent zone, no honking’, and road markings can bring about changes.” While the idea is promising and its implementation would be commendable, the key question remains: will it work?
History of this topic

Folks, it’s ‘No Horn Day’
New Indian Express
Stretch between Mangalavanam and Durbar Hall in Kochi to be declared silent zone
The Hindu
MG Road gets a No Horn Zone
The HinduDiscover Related