In ‘The Kardashians’ trailer, the family is set to divebomb back into our living rooms
LA TimesThere’s a new look for the Kardashians’ new Hulu reality show, imaginatively titled “The Kardashians,” and it’s shown off to hurl-inducing effect in a trailer released Monday. Clothes, jewels, cars, engagements, kids and babies and drama with assorted baby daddies all appear to be on tap for the six women who lead “The Kardashians.” Television Commentary: ‘Celebreality’ was already in decline. Things with Ye, she says, are “really hard.” Pete Davidson isn’t seen, but his presence is felt as Kris says with a big smile, “This is a relationship that I don’t think anyone saw coming.” Kim smiles and chuckles as she is caught texting with — perhaps — her new beau. “They’re gonna like you for who you are, not what you wear,” Disick says in a scene shot in a changing room as Kim pouts into a mirror.