US senators and Trump administration reach deal on $US2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package
ABCUS senators and the Trump administration have struck an agreement on a sweeping $US2 trillion package to aid workers, businesses and a healthcare system strained by the coronavirus pandemic. Key points: The package was expected to include funding for hard-hit industries and direct payments for families Donald Trump has said he would like the country to reopen by Easter The US has recorded more than 660 COVID-19 deaths Top White House aide Eric Ueland announced the agreement in a Capitol hallway shortly after midnight. Trump wants to reopen US by Easter Yet even as the public-health crisis deepened, US President Donald Trump expressed eagerness to nudge many people back to work in the coming weeks, suggested the country could be returning to normal in less than a month. Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak Download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world At the White House briefing, public health authorities said it was particularly important for people in the hard-hit New York City metropolitan area to quarantine themselves for 14 days, and for those who had recently left the city to do the same.