AFL, NRL clubs desperate to keep fans after coronavirus pandemic for financial reasons
ABCProfessional sports clubs are doing what is forbidden in public and using their mailing lists to "reach out". As we've observed previously, AFL clubs particularly have come perilously close to shaming supporters into purchasing membership over the past 25 years with campaigns that created the underlying assumption that "You are not a real supporter if you are not a member". Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak Download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world The subsequent upselling of reserved seats and various gold and platinum packages that guaranteed AFL grand final tickets if your club fielded one of the two out of 18 teams to make it have provided a substantial revenue stream. Clubs must master the PR game The most awkward task for clubs now "reaching out" is acknowledging the right to discounts or refunds on current memberships, while hoping to retain as much pre-paid cash as possible — even if a severely truncated or abandoned season means most non-redeemed memberships will be virtual donations. With thousands of fit young professional athletes locked up for an extended period, athlete behaviour will also play some part in shaping public opinion on whether sport has "done its bit".