Can an Indian university occupy a top spot in global rankings?
Hindustan TimesThe director of the Indian Institute of Technology -Delhi recently came up with a six-point diagnosis analysing the performance of his institution in the QS 2022 ranking. The disjunct between the domestic and international Parameters and weights differ among indigenous — National Institution Ranking Framework and National Assessment and Accreditation Council — and global — QS and Times Higher Education — accreditation and ranking agencies. It is not common to find administrative divisions in most Indian universities dedicated to accreditation and rankings, which is a common practice in the universities that rank in top 100 globally. The way to the top Arguably, the top five Indian universities individually are worlds apart from the top five universities globally, if we take either criterion-wise or overall score. In fact, these aspects are not recognised in the section titled “Internationalisation” in the new National Education Policy unlike Basic Infrastructure and Facilities, Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Students or Transforming the Regulatory System of Higher Education, which are common concerns among the Indian universities.