Drama unfolds in Andhra Pradesh as YSRCP govt places Chandrababu Naidu, son Nara Lokesh under house arrest for 'Chalo Atmakur' rally
FirstpostWednesday morning saw the police laying seige to the TDP president Chandrababu Naidu’s residence on the Krishna river bank in view of party’s call for ‘Chalo Atmakur’ rally. Telugu Desam Party president N Chandrababu Naidu and his son Nara Lokesh were put under house arrest on Wednesday at Undavalli in Amaravati after they made an attempt to proceed to Guntur district as part of the party’s ‘Chalo Atmakur’ call against alleged eviction of some villagers. Whenever they allow me, I'll continue 'Çhalo Atmakur' pic.twitter.com/XhQfwxDR0Z — ANI September 11, 2019 Countering the TDP chief’s claims, state Animal Husbandry Minister Mopidevi Venkata Ramana said Naidu was indulging in “shameless politics” by using “paid artists” as victims. How the drama unfolded Wednesday morning saw the police laying seige to the TDP president’s residence on the Krishna river bank in view of party’s call for ‘Chalo Atmakur’ rally.