Here's How Much Congress Has Approved For Coronavirus Relief So Far And What It's For
NPRHere's How Much Congress Has Approved For Coronavirus Relief So Far And What It's For Loading. The estimated cost also includes a new, temporary Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program through the end of this year to help people who lose work as a direct result of the public health emergency. Cost reductions for individuals on federal health insurance programs: $8.6 billion The second coronavirus relief bill eliminates any cost-sharing for people seeking testing and treatment for COVID-19 under Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP. The Families First Coronavirus Response bill included $1 billion for state and local administrative costs, and CARES included $150 billion in direct aid to states for the coronavirus response. Government administration: CARES included $10 billion in lending for the Postal Service, the Families First Coronavirus bill gave the IRS $15 million to implement programs – the filing date was extended to July 15.