Monkey matters
The HinduSome time ago, social media was spilling over with reels of an encounter Shashi Tharoor, MP, had with a monkey. An unexpected beautiful and peaceful bonding of the human and simian became the highlight of the episode, with the MP subduing his fears to entertain the animal who chose him to be his host. There were further instructions: one should not carry edible items openly in their hands, wear footwear after a certain point, tease monkeys that populated that area, and take off their spectacles during the transit. All along the congested route, the olfactory senses were kept busy inhaling a peculiar mixture of the scent of sweets, fried foods, cow dung and open drains. Soon the girl started calling out to the monkey and tossed a roti followed by a banana and odd snacks beseeching him to give the glasses in return.
History of this topic

Monkey parks itself on Shashi Tharoor’s lap, gives MP the most adorable hug: ‘Extraordinary experience’
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