'Abusive Environment Affects Kids Emotionally, Physically': Therapist Reena Nath Highlights Family's Role in Child Development
News 18Families play a crucial role in not only developing one’s overall personality but actively influences adolescence psychological adjustment, problem-solving strategies, boosting self-confidence and abilities to set clear goals. Experts all over the world have noted that a vulnerable family environment is an important predictor of children’s mental health needs. To mark mental health week, News 18 reached out to Reena Nath, a New Delhi-based psychotherapist and systemic family therapist. Edited excerpts from the interview: With your vast experience in family therapy, do you think an abusive family environment affects a child’s growth- both mentally and physically? In Sanjeevani people were ‘self-referred’, they heard about the centre and they decided to walk in whereas in the rural Haryana, Kashmir and Punjab, people had never heard of mental health issues, they were dealing with it but never knew what it actually was.
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