Advocates' Clerks Association Moves Karnataka HC Seeking Financial Aid Amid Lockdown
Live LawThe Karntaka State Level Advocate's Clerks Association, has moved the Karnataka High Court seeking directions to the State Government and Karnataka State Bar council to provide financial aid to its members who due to the closing of courts are left with no work and thus no source of income during the lockdown. Further, direct the State Bar Council to disburse a sum of Rs.20,000 per month per registered member of the association from the corpus created by state on submission of the requisite identity card. By way of interim relief, the plea seeks directions to the state to release a sum of Rs.10,000, per person/per member of the Association to be disbursed by the state bar council upon production of the identity card by the respective registered clerk during the period of closure from 25th March 2020 till the commencement of the normal functioning of the courts. The plea also states that high court by order dated 16.04.2008 was pleased to direct the state to constitute a fund called the Karnataka Registered Clerks Welfare Fund as contemplated under Section 27 of the Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1983 and notified the Rules as expeditiously as possible not later than six months from the date of the said order.