Infosys says no prima facie evidence on whistleblower complaints
Live MintInfosys today said that it is yet to receive any evidence to corroborate whistleblower complaints against top executives. "With respect to the anonymous complaints, there is no prima facie evidence that the company has received until date to corroborate any of the allegations made. Infosys however said that the anonymous complaints are still under investigation and the "company is not in a position to determine the concreteness, credibility and materiality of the anonymous complaints." Infosys shares took a knock after the Indian software services exporter had said last month that it had received whistleblower complaints against company's executives, alleging "unethical practices". The whistleblower complaints have been placed before the audit committee as per the company’s practice and will be dealt with in accordance with the company’s whistleblowers policy, Infosys had said in a statement.