Why does cinema ignore climate change?
4 years, 8 months ago

Why does cinema ignore climate change?


Why does cinema ignore climate change? Alamy In Bong Joon-ho’s dystopian film Snowpiercer, environmental catastrophe hasn’t been brought about by climate change – but by a misguided attempt to reverse it The only major Hollywood feature film to have the opposite message is Roland Emmerich’s The Day After Tomorrow. Alamy While documentaries such as Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth focus on climate change, feature films tend to ignore it Perhaps the structure of The Day After Tomorrow can offer some clues as to why it is such a one-off. Much of the film’s second half is given over to Jack’s teenage son Sam trying to stave off frostbite in The New York Public Library, while Jack hikes through the snow to find him. Alamy Joaquin Phoenix’s bid to wear one Stella McCartney dinner suit throughout this year’s awards season drew much mockery Still, the statement was at least a sign that Hollywood is aware of its own bad habits.

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