‘No pets allowed’: The shameful case of the diabetic refused a home for having a medical assistance dog
1 year, 6 months ago

‘No pets allowed’: The shameful case of the diabetic refused a home for having a medical assistance dog

The Independent  

Thought ableism was rare in modern Britain? When he’s at home, Beau will rest his head on Rudkin’s knee and stare at him until he pricks his finger to test his sugar and then pops a glucose tablet or three. “He’s more like a mobility aid.” But when they supplied the estate agent with the details about the dog, backed with evidence and papers from the charity which supplied him – Medical Detection Dogs – the tenancy offer was rescinded. Rudkin’s mother told me that she would have been reluctant to have him go university were it not for Beau – her son’s condition is that serious. If Westminster, with all its pomposity and arcane procedures, can reconcile itself to a cabinet minister with a guide dog, you’d think that a modern university tenancy could, too.

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