Where does Santa Claus live? The answer is more complicated than you think | READ
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Where does Santa Claus live? The answer is more complicated than you think | READ

India TV News  

Queensland: Sending a letter to Santa can be difficult as no one can agree on where exactly Santa lives. By the 19th century, Santa Claus was settled in popular awareness more or less what we think of now: a jolly old man with a beard, a sleigh, reindeer and presents, living somewhere northern and cold. In the mid-19th century, the illustrator Thomas Nast portrayed Santa as a jolly old man in Harper’s Weekly, and the illustration and the archetype took off. That action might seem twee or whimsical or simply some Christmas fun for children, but it may also have shown that some governments want to claim a lot more than Santa. The link with children explains the later association as Santa, especially as Saint Nicholas gave children gifts.

History of this topic

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