Selma Blair recalls first love who died on Hollywood Medium
6 years, 11 months ago

Selma Blair recalls first love who died on Hollywood Medium

Daily Mail  

Selma Blair tears up as she recalls her first love who died at college in the upcoming episode of Hollywood Medium. Scroll down for video Emotional: Selma Blair gets closure from Tyler Henry regarding her first love, on Hollywood Medium on Wednesday 'He was the most beautiful boy': The 44-year-old actress reveals her first love suffered from epilepsy and died suddenly 'Just good to keep in mind that they are referencing to like a Steven or Steve connection. star Tyler to channel loved ones who have passed 'He just still stays with me as the person I first loved and thought I would love forever' Selma recalled sadly 'You know, we both had a lazy eye. 'He just still stays with me as the person I first loved and thought I would love forever.

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