Woman reveals the shocking reason she was rejected from an Emirates flight attendant job
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Woman reveals the shocking reason she was rejected from an Emirates flight attendant job

Daily Mail  

A woman has alleged that the devastating reason she didn't land her dream job as a flight attendant with Emirates was because of her acne. TikTok user Lilla, who posts under the username @whatisgoingonlilla, says she was offered a job as a flight attendant with the Dubai-based airline - but claims she then received an email two days later redacting the offer. A woman has shared the devastating reason she didn't land her dream job as a flight attendant with Emirates - because of her acne 'It was just really hurtful,' the wannabe flight attendant admitted. TikTok user Lilla, who posts under the username @whatisgoingonlilla, she was offered a job as a flight attendant with the Dubai-based airline - only to receive an email two days later redacting the offer Commenters chimed in with their thoughts on Emirates hiring standards 'Emirates is strict.

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