Ilhan Omar On Her Memoir And Moving The Needle Toward Progressive Policies
NPRIlhan Omar On Her Memoir And Moving The Needle Toward Progressive Policies Enlarge this image toggle caption Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images "I wasn't afraid of fighting," Ilhan Omar writes about her childhood in Somalia in her new memoir. In This Is What America Looks Like: My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman, Omar chronicles her childhood in a middle-class family compound in Mogadishu, followed by civil war, four years in a refugee camp, a journey to the United States and ultimately her election to Congress as a Democrat representing Minnesota's 5th district. Sponsor Message "I think often times you have to make a choice: whether you'll be a punching bag or you'll be somebody who's strong and stands up for themselves and for others," Omar tells NPR. Interview Highlights On the influence of progressives in the Democratic presidential nomination This Is What America Looks Like My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman By Ilhan Omar Purchase BookPurchase close overlay Buy Featured Book Your purchase helps support NPR programming.