My Disability May Be Invisible, But Here's Why I'm Done Hiding It
Huff PostThe difference between a "good day" and a "bad day" for me. Although I don’t remember hearing anyone actively disparage disabled people when I was growing up, I did internalize a strong drive to be “productive” and meet society’s definition of a capable, independent, responsible person. I worked hard to keep up appearances so I could assure myself I was still a valuable, contributing member of society, not a “freeloader” or other pejorative often aimed at people who need extra support. I began testing different accommodations, like asking for footrests at other people’s houses to keep blood from pooling in my legs or walking with hiking sticks for support. My old ideas of “success” and “productivity” still loom large in my mind at times, but I’ve slowly shifted my expectations for work and socializing toward gentler assessments that take my body into account.
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I Hid My Disability At Work For 6 Years. When I Stopped, My Entire Life Changed.
Huff Post
I used to hide my symptoms and disability from others. Now I want to be 100 per cent 'seen'
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Beyond Labels: Living With an Invisible Disability
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