Railways to Fine Rs 500 for No Mask Within Premises, Inside Trains as Measure against Covid Spread
News 18With the alarming rise in the number of cases across India, the Indian Railways has decided to impose a fine of Rs 500 on anyone without a mask within the premises and inside trains. Besides facemask, other Covid-19 protocols include maintaining social distancing, temperature screening at the entry and exit of stations and encouraging passengers to constantly sanitise their hands. They ensure that the passengers are following the norms, protocols and SOP related to COVID – 19 including maintaining social distancing & wearing of masks, etc besides motivating the passengers for the same while travelling in trains. Regular Announcements, as well as extensive awareness campaigns, are being made on social media platforms and digital screens at stations regarding following of COVID appropriate behaviour by all passengers such as wearing of masks, use sanitisers and handwash and maintaining social distancing, etc.