Mega mine next to Adani quietly put on hold, thousands of promised jobs in doubt
5 years, 7 months ago

Mega mine next to Adani quietly put on hold, thousands of promised jobs in doubt


A $6.7 billion Chinese mega mine coal project adjacent to the Adani venture in Queensland's Galilee Basin is in doubt after the company abandoned its bid for a mining lease. Key points: China Stone, a mega mine planned next to the Adani venture, terminates its mining lease applications with the Queensland Government The company would not explain why but says "next steps are under internal discussion" The Queensland Government says the company assured them it is committed to developing the mine at "a later date" The proposed China Stone open-cut and underground thermal coal mine was planned to be built 300 kilometres west of Mackay, promising more than 3,000 jobs. "MacMines has voluntarily not progressed their five mining lease applications for the China Stone project," they said in a statement. "They were always planning to use Adani infrastructure, they needed Adani to build big rail lines," principal researcher at Energy and Resource Insights Adam Walters said.

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