Personal Loan: Is your bank harassing you? You can file a complaint to the RBI. Check details
Live MintDid you borrow money from a bank but now realise that you got a rough deal from it? The RBI has also put in place an Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021, which is a cost-free alternate grievance redress mechanism for resolution of customer complaints relating to deficiencies in services rendered by banks, NBFCs, payment system participants and credit information companies. You can file a complaint against the bank, NBFC, payment system participants or credit information companies at a branch or online in the grievance redressal portal. One should note that filing a complaint directly with the RBI ombudsman without approaching the bank may lead to its rejection. i) When banks do not reply no within 30 days: Anytime within one year and 30 days from the date of complaint to the regulated entity.