Unlikely collective revives fallow land, scripts paddy farming success story in Alappuzha
The HinduWhat unites a police sub-inspector, a higher secondary school teacher, a retired engineer, an ex-serviceman and a few businessmen at Vallikunnam in Alappuzha? This unlikely collective has scripted a success story in paddy cultivation by transforming large tracts of fallow land at Cheruppallam paddy polder, proving that farming flourishes where passion and perseverance take root. The group, consisting of nine members aged between 45 and 81, began paddy farming on an experimental basis on five acres of land owned by its members in 2023-24 season. Though none of them had prior farming experience, Mr. Ajithkumar says the sight of once-thriving fields – cultivated by their parents and responsible for feeding families – lying fallow inspired them to revive cultivation. Farming brings a lot of happiness,” says Mr. Rajeev, a sub-inspector at Vallikunnam police station.
History of this topic

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