Military horses ran loose through the streets of London once again
8 months, 3 weeks ago

Military horses ran loose through the streets of London once again


Military horses ran loose through the streets of London once again toggle caption Benjamin Cremel/AFP via Getty Images Several military horses ditched their riders and hoofed it through central London on Monday morning, the second such incident in less than three months. "We can confirm that whilst exercising this morning, three horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment became loose from their riders," a British Army spokesperson told NPR over email. All horses were recovered "swiftly and safely" and returned to Hyde Park Barracks by the Army and Metropolitan Police by 09:55am.#horses #runaway #london #bbcnews — BBC London July 1, 2024 The trio bolted from Seville Street to South Eaton Place, where authorities managed to recover one horse. Monday's incident resembles a similar series of events in late April, when five military horses out exercising got spooked by construction noises and bolted, unseating their riders and charging through central London at morning rush hour.

History of this topic

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