How Adam Scott's life and career so far — including COVID-19 isolation — helped him cracked his part in Severance
3 years, 1 month ago

How Adam Scott's life and career so far — including COVID-19 isolation — helped him cracked his part in Severance


Adam Scott caught COVID-19 in February 2021 on the set of Apple TV’s Severance. “And dry and really bright, obviously.” Scott graduated at 20, made the rounds, and spent a decade and a half booking just enough work to keep himself solvent — a few episodes here, a supporting part in a movie there — without ever feeling like he had arrived. “I always thought it would feel like love or something, but it’s a weird, isolating feeling.” Scott was speaking on a video call from his Los Angeles home. Offerman also said that what Scott does so well — onscreen, but maybe offscreen, too — is to embrace what he called “a sort of geeky normalcy, the flavour of behavior that most people try to avoid if they can help it, because it’s too human.” [Offerman also told me to ask what Scott does to his hair to make it so voluminous, but Scott was not talking.> Scott is not cool. “You just sense that there’s depth there, something that you can’t immediately access.” Poehler, Scott’s Parks and Recreation co-star, echoed this.

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