Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms
2 years, 3 months ago

Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms

Hindustan Times  

Fleas, lice, worms, and protozoa are examples of parasitic critters that can live on or within your body and eat nutrients from you in order to survive. Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms "Kittens will be exposed to worms from any eggs their mother sheds, there are even some worms that are passed to the kitten through their mother’s milk. Using the best flea treatment for your cat will help to prevent fleas and worms from targeting a litter of kittens" says Lindsay Rose, Head Veterinarian at Protect My Pet, she further suggested important ways to protect your cat from worms. Make sure your pet's worming treatment is up to date There are many ways your pet can become infected with intestinal worms. Use a regular preventative treatment The symptoms of intestinal cat worms include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy and a poor coat.

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