How Men Judge A Dating Profile Versus How Women Do, According To Science
Huff PostLuis Alvarez via Getty Images Researchers monitored eye movement to see how straight men and straight women evaluate online dating profiles. Researchers monitored eye movement to see how straight men and straight women evaluated online dating profiles. “Regardless of how attractive the man was, women spent more time looking at men’s faces when resources were low than high,” said Amy Lykins, a lead author of the study and an associate professor in clinical psychology at the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia. People are extremely interested in faces ― even as newborns ― and that’s true for both men and women.” Luis Alvarez via Getty Images “Regardless of how attractive the man was, women spent more time looking at men’s faces when resources were low than high,” said Amy D. Lykins, a lead author of the study and an associate professor in clinical psychology at the University of New England in Maine.
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