This 1 Toilet Habit Makes You More Prone To Hemorrhoids — And You're Probably Doing It
Huff PostAntonio Hugo Photo via Getty Images Spending more than a few minutes on the toilet? This is because when one’s bottom is in the space of the toilet seat, the blood will pool in the lowest point and cause increased pressure in the blood vessels in the anus, leading to hemorrhoids.” Dr. Prasun Shah, a gastroenterologist with Memorial Hermann, added that when you’re sitting too long, gravity is working against you, leading to poor circulation. “Trying to ‘push out’ a bowel movement also increases pressure in the anorectal blood vessels and is another common cause of hemorrhoids,” Schwarzbaum said. Other Tips For Preventing Hemorrhoids If you’re thinking “Wait a minute, I don’t sit on the toilet for long periods and I still get hemorrhoids,” worry not — a prolonged sitting habit isn’t the only cause of hemorrhoids. Additionally, as stated earlier, avoiding prolonged periods sitting on the toilet and regular exercise has also been shown to prevent hemorrhoids.” Shah also suggested not delaying bowel movements, if possible.