Canada’s Health Officials Are The Heroes We Need During This Coronavirus Pandemic
4 years, 9 months ago

Canada’s Health Officials Are The Heroes We Need During This Coronavirus Pandemic

Huff Post  

This COVID-19 pandemic has seen the rise of a new set of Canadian folk heroes: public health officers. Whether you’re in British Columbia and tune in every day for Dr. Bonnie Henry’s calming updates or in Quebec listening to Dr. Horatio Arruda share his theme song of the day, Canadians have fallen in love with our public health officials as they provide daily briefings in a compassionate and informative manner on the latest COVID-19 developments. colour blocking on the 13th — Dr. de Villa's Scarf March 18, 2020 Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam has been lauded for her sharp blazer game and turns of phrase, like “plank the curve.” Also, on a lighter note, mad respect to Dr. Theresa Tam’s press conference blazer game which is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#COVIDCanada #COVID19 — J Mustapha PhD March 19, 2020 In Quebec, public health officer Dr. Horatio Arruda has inspired a wave of memes and adoring fans, notably for his advice to make Portuguese custard tarts to stave off the boredom of social distancing. — Jeff Yates March 19, 2020 Lowkey obsessed with Quebec’s crush on Horacio Arruda, the director of public health who bakes Portuguese tarts, has a new theme song every day and has been declared the province’s new daddy — Anne Thériault March 20, 2020 In a press conference Friday, Prince Edward Island’s chief officer of health Dr. Heather Morrison acknowledged how difficult the work is. “I’m thankful, and I hope we all together get through these weeks ahead.” As Canadians look for something to cling to in this time of incredible uncertainty, these public health officials are there, updating us every day and reminding us that we’re in this together — even if we’re far apart.

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