Assam govt to relax job eligibility criteria for persons with disabilities
India TodayThe Assam government has decided to relax eligibility criteria for differently-abled persons applying for state government jobs, officials said. Criteria to be relaxed Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Saturday met officials from bodies representing persons with disabilities and assured them of relaxing criteria such as prior job experience, computer and sports skills for grade 4 jobs in state departments, an official said. Criteria relaxed to bring PwDs at par with others Representatives of Pratibondi Suraksha Sanstha, Bikalanga Unnayan Parishad, All Assam Dristihin Yuva Unnayan Parishad and All Assam Pratibondi Rehabilitation Sanstha said the job criteria had put PwD applicants at a disadvantageous position in seeking government jobs. They requested the chief minister to relax the three eligibility criteria to facilitate recruitment of differently-abled persons in the state government, the official said.
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