Nov. 9, 1888: Jack the Ripper Strikes for the Last Time ... Or Does He?
Wired1888: The mutilated body of Mary Jane Kelly is found on the bed of her squalid room in the Spitalfields-Whitechapel area of London's East End. In fact, Kelly -- a tall, amiable young woman who dabbled in prostitution to make ends meet -- may not have been the Ripper's final victim at all. The killer's identity likewise remains unknown, defying even current research using the tools of modern forensic science. With modern forensic techniques, a few new details have emerged, including the fact that in carving up Mary Jane Kelly, the Ripper used an ax as well as a knife. Source: Scotland Yard, Casebook.org Image: The cover of the Sept. 21, 1889, issue of Puck* magazine featured cartoonist Tom Merry's depiction of the unidentified Whitechapel murderer, Jack the Ripper.
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