National Pet Day | Amit Sadh says he doesn't like to refer to his pets as dogs: They taught me how to be a good father
11 months, 1 week ago

National Pet Day | Amit Sadh says he doesn't like to refer to his pets as dogs: They taught me how to be a good father

Hindustan Times  

For Amit Sadh, his three pets aka “four legged people” as he prefers to call them, is an “immeasurable” part of his life. Amit Sadh on National Pet Day “I don’t like calling them dogs. I’ve got three four-legged people, my pets, and their species is called dogs,” smiles the actor, introducing Tango and Mike as energetic young pups, and Cocca, the wise elder statesman of the pack. Everything revolves around them, it’s like taking care of children,” says Sadh, thankful that everyone in his house loves animals, and he looks after them like raising children. I cannot stay away from them for too long.” When it comes to pet care, animal lovers follow different ways and what suits them the best, however, Sadh’s approach is rooted in respect and understanding.

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