Why can’t Pakistani Hindus go to Europe or America as refugees if Syrians and Rohingyas can?
Op IndiaA tragic picture of a Syrian child lying lifeless at the sea shore as his family tried to escape his war-torn country had sent the entire Western world in collective guilt, because they thought they were not doing enough to help people who are persecuted in their own land. Because with an unfavourable government at Delhi and a global Hindu leadership that is not trying enough, I dread that in 10 years, there will be no Hindu left in Pakistan.” Dr. Ratnu informs that thousands of Pakistani Hindus have been granted Indian citizenship since Prime Minister Modi came to power. Modi government is doing fine job on this and I’m sure they will do only better,” Dr. Ratnu explained, “Sushmaji’s tweet and India’s note to Pakistan is a very important development as it puts the plight of ordinary Pakistani Hindus on international map, something that our global Hindu leadership couldn’t do.” Back in 2017, Dr. Omendra Ratnu had managed to get an appointment with some US State Department officers in order to understand this indifference of global community towards plight of Pakistani Hindus. “I was shocked and shattered to know that no one had gone pleading the case of Pakistani Hindus earlier” Dr. Ratnu recalls his encounter with the US State Department officers. It is as bad as what ISIS did to Yezidis.” Apart from failure of Hindu leadership and Indian ‘liberal’ obsession of equating anything pro-Hindu with Hindutva, which makes sure that the plight of Pakistani Hindus are not talked about much as people feel ashamed ‘communal’ and to raise this issue, Dr. Omendra Ratnu cites a well thought of strategy adopted by Pakistani fundamentalists to further make sure their planned genocide against Hindus is not noticed.