Bombay HC's Nod For Mobile App For Registration of Noise Pollution Complaints
Live LawSoon residents of Goa, will be able to lodge complaints about noise pollution, in their areas, using a mobile application, the government has given a go-ahead to a private firm to develop the same, the Bombay High Court at Goa, was informed about this by the State government, on June 13. "Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd. is directed to go ahead with the development of the project, including security audit as communicated by it to the Collector & District Magistrate, North Goa. The committee approached the court by filing an application, complaining of want of redressal mechanism to address people's grievances, about noise pollution. "The Government had accepted the position that this Mobile App would facilitate registration of complaints of noise pollution and expeditious actions on the part of the authorities on the basis of such complaints."