20 years on, "Angel" has aged better than "Buffy"
5 years, 5 months ago

20 years on, "Angel" has aged better than "Buffy"


Spinoffs tend to be the runners-up of the broadcast world, and often with good reason. Sure, “Buffy’s” “Once More with Feeling.” But also: “Angel’s” “Smile Time,” because it had a puppet vampire. The characters of “Angel’s” ensemble lived in a world of magic, but what made them so fun was they were simultaneously mired in an entertaining, highly relatable workplace TV show. And if you likewise ever wondered if an ambitious politician with eyes on the White House and “funding from hostile governments” might secretly be a demon, “Angel” would tell that you’re not wrong there. And in its eminently satisfying final words, “Angel” offered an apocalypse of dragons, hell beasts and upper management, and showed us that there’s only one thing to do when the world’s collapsing.

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